For You, From Us

Seton Hill Provides over $34 million in aid every year一旦你被澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台录取并完成了联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA), we 'll match you up with the scholarships, grants and awards for which you are eligible. (在需要试镜或特殊申请的极少数情况下, we 'll let you know in advance.) Scholarships, 助学金和奖励通常是可续期的,可以大大降低就读西顿希尔的成本. (And, unlike loans, they never need to be repaid.)

Scholarships for Undergraduate Students

Academic Scholarships & AwardsScholarships

所有被录取的学生都将被评估为学术优秀奖学金 $18,000-$26,000. No special applications are required.

Honors Scholarships

荣誉奖学金颁发给被荣誉项目录取的全日制新生. These awards are valued at $10,000 over 4 years. 只要学生继续参加荣誉课程,该奖学金就可以续期.
 学生一旦被大学录取就可以申请. Application deadline is March 1.

The Elizabeth Ann Seton Scholarship Program

西顿希尔大学通过伊丽莎白·安·西顿奖学金为居住在宾夕法尼亚州的合格学生支付多年的学费. 伊丽莎白·安·西顿奖学金计划建立在圣伊丽莎白·安·西顿和澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台慈善姐妹会的遗产之上,为所有学生提供接受高等教育的机会. 西顿希尔一直致力于让所有学生都能负担得起我们一流的教育,而且比一些州立学校更便宜! 在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台,从第一天到毕业后很长一段时间,你都会得到个性化的支持.

伊丽莎白·安·西顿奖学金计划为符合条件的学生提供额外的奖学金. To be considered for the scholarship program, students must be a first-time freshman, 宾夕法尼亚州居民,有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金.

Alumni Grants & Scholarships

  • Alumni Grant: 这些奖学金提供给任何父母毕业于西顿希尔大学的全日制学生. They are valued at $2,000/year and are renewable.
  • Sister de Chantal Leis Alumni Scholarship
: This scholarship is awarded to an incoming student, preference given to children of a graduate of Seton Hill. 如果学生保持所有学术要求和大学标准,可以连续三年续签. 

  • Joseph C. Cahill Scholarship
: 这项奖学金的设立是为了鼓励澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台毕业生的子女和孙辈上大学. 没有从其他来源获得大量经济援助的学生优先考虑.

Athletic Scholarships

Seton Hill, a member of the NCAA Division II, 根据学生的运动能力,向符合条件的新生颁发体育奖学金, 公开选拔赛的评估和高中教练的推荐. 体育援助提供给参加篮球运动的合格妇女, cross country, equestrian, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, tennis, track and field, 排球和有资格参加棒球比赛的人, basketball, cross country, football, lacrosse, soccer, track and field, and wrestling. Tryouts are held throughout the year. 欲了解更多信息,请联系您感兴趣的运动的个人教练.

Visual & Performing Arts Scholarships

在视觉和表演艺术学院注册的学生的奖学金是可更新的奖项,奖励金额不同. 学生必须被大学和戏剧舞蹈专业录取, Music, 或艺术与设计专业,然后再考虑艺术奖学金. 试镜,面试和奖学金信息可以在网站上找到 Theatre and Dance, Music and Art and Design Program pages.

国家科学基金会(NSF) STEM澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台计划奖学金

美国国家科学基金会(NSF)授予西顿希尔大学一项竞争性资助,以支持生物学, biochemistry, 通过奖学金、导师网络和职业探索项目,为来自资源匮乏环境的化学和法医学专业的学生提供奖学金. Scholarships are valued at up to $10,000 per year and are renewable for 4 years. An application is required. Learn more and apply here.

Sisters of Charity Scholarships

These scholarships, which are renewable for four years, 是发给由澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台慈善姊妹会推荐入读澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台的全日制新生的. Learn more and apply here.

Undergraduate International Merit Scholarship

Up to $26,000 USD per year for four years. 

Transfer Scholarships

转学奖学金颁发给在西顿希尔全日制注册并且累计平均绩点至少达到2分的学生.0 based on all previous post-secondary coursework. These scholarships are valued at up to $21,000 annually and are renewable. 奖学金可以续签的学期数将取决于学生进入西顿希尔大学时的年级水平.

WCCC Scholarship/Grant:  
Students who have been accepted to Seton Hill University, enroll full-time, 就读于威斯特摩兰县社区学院并修满15个或更多学分的学生将获得1美元,500.

New! Scholarships just for Online Bachelor's & Certificate Program Program students. Find out more here.

Grants for Undergraduate Students

Seton Hill University Grants


Seton Hill University Sibling Grants

由于认识到同时有多个孩子上大学的经济负担,于1987年成立. An award of $2,000 如果有两名本科生同时在西顿希尔大学全日制学习,每位学生将获得奖学金. An additional award of $2,000 每增加一名全日制本科生同时就读,每个家庭是否可获得奖学金.

Catholic High School Grants

A scholarship of $2,000 将颁发给天主教高中一年级的毕业生, 在高中毕业后的学年就读西顿希尔大学学士学位课程的全日制学生. This scholarship is renewable.

Caritas Community Service Award 

明爱社区服务奖颁发给两名全日制传统本科课程的新生,他们表现出对社区服务的承诺和参与. Awards are valued at $3,500 and are renewable. A short application is required. Application deadline is March 1. Learn more and apply here.

We're Here to Help! 随时致电或发电子邮件,以获得有关费用,入学或经济援助的问题的答案: or (724) 830-1010.

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